ID Service Rate per 1000 Min order Max order
๐Ÿ˜ธ Legion Services
202 โ™ฅ โ•ฃ[-_-] โ•  INSTA FOLLOWERS โ•ฃ[-_-] โ• โ™ฅ 29.00 10 25ย 000
201 TikTok Followers โ•ฎ (. โ› แด— โ›. ) โ•ญ 29.00 55 20ย 000
195 Legion Private (Instagram Followers) 59.00 50 1ย 000
196 Legion Private (Instagram Likes) 59.00 50 1ย 000
197 $2.5 per custom comment* (Instagram) 2500.00 5 15
198 Legion Private (Tiktok Views) 19.00 1ย 000 100ย 000
199 Legion Private (Insta Reach) 3.99 3ย 000 25ย 000
200 Legion Private (Story Views) 3.99 500 5ย 000
9.99 Tiktok Shares!
191 Tiktok Shares! 9.99 10 5ย 000
188 Facebook Page Likes 17.00 50 5ย 000
189 Facebook Post Likes 10.00 100 1ย 000
TikTok Services
190 Tiktok Followers (JAN) โœจNEW 35.00 10 3ย 000
186 Tiktok Views (October) 6.00 100 500ย 000
185 Tiktok Likes (October) 15.00 10 1ย 000ย 000
113 Tiktok Views - New (Updated) 6.00 100 3ย 000
119 Tiktok Likes (New - Updated) 15.00 10 5ย 000
129 Tiktok Saves 10.32 10 5ย 000
140 Tiktok Shares 10.32 10 10ย 000ย 000
141 Tiktok Video Download 2.50 50 30ย 000
153 Tiktok Comments (Custom) 1200.00 10 100
*External Vendor Service*

$12 - For 10 Comments and it goes on.

Comments Should be written separately in each line (via shift enter)
Instagram Followers
192 USA Followers (JAN 2025) 35.00 10 15ย 000
194 USA Followers (Legion) 45.00 100 5ย 000
187 USA Followers (2025) 35.00 10 400
Please purchase this 200 at a time
Make sure everything goes in before you purchase
(No Refills Provided)
162 Followers (NEW) 25.00 20 5ย 000
4 Followers - Cafe Booths 9.99 5 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
Please test these followers before buying. Make sure you are satisfied with the quality.
Buy a small sample, gauge the drop rate and progressively increase your purchase!

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

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Instagram Views (Reels & Post)
177 Legion Views (For Instagram Reels) 12.00 100 50ย 000
147 Instagram Reel Views 9.90 100 50ย 000
179 Instagram Reel Views (Malls) 8.50 500 8ย 000
We can only handle a maximum amount every 15mins
Please (Order 8k Views Every 15mins) if needed
Instagram Likes
173 Likes (January Hotel Event) 20.00 50 60ย 000
Hotel Lobby Event based (Limited time only)

157 Likes (Korea) updated 2025 38.00 25 2ย 500
168 Likes (NYC) 35.00 25 3ย 500
98 Power Likes (High Quality) 15.00 10 10ย 000
155 Power HQ Likes (New August 2023) 15.00 10 5ย 000
184 Cheap Regions Likes (Spam) 10.00 250 25ย 000
Instagram Bot Likes
104 Bot Based Server 1 1.99 10 20ย 000
57 Bot Based Server 2 2.90 500 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
I would personally recommend that this service be used only for older posts that requires some credibility building. Drops are beyond our control because of Instagram's update.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
Instagram Impressions and Reach
132 Impressions and Reach Boosting (Insights) 4.99 1ย 000 25ย 000
Instagram Saves & Shares
100 Instagram Saves 4.00 10 8ย 888
117 Instagram Shares 4.00 10 5ย 000
Instagram Story
170 Story Views 15.00 500 8ย 000
133 Story Impressions (Insert Story Link) 4.99 1ย 000 15ย 000
94 Story Profile Visit (Insert Story Link) 6.99 100 10ย 000
Insert the URL of your story:

example :

( No guarantees for this service due to sync issue that Instagram has with our IPad System)
96 Story Sticker Clicks (Insert Story Link) 12.00 100 1ย 500
Insert the URL of your story:

example :

( No guarantees for this service due to sync issue that Instagram has with our IPad System)
Instagram Custom Comments
154 Instagram Custom Comments (August New) 350.00 10 200ย 000
116 Custom Comments 455.00 10 100
Important* Please take note upon ordering :

1) Comments will take awhile because of the huge amount of orders coming in.

2) Comments will require you to separate them line by line, for example :

This is the 1st comment
This is the 2nd comment
This is the 3rd comment

3) We highly recommend you to keep the comment as short as possible
( At Least Not More Than 10 Words )

4) Lastly, not all comments will appear as the system will have to audit the comment posted due to Instagram's regulation to prevent cyber bullying / fraud marketing and etc.
118 Custom Comments (Higher Quality) 855.00 10 100
Important* Please take note upon ordering :

1) The higher quality version takes up to 12 - 28hrs to send, so please take note, we appreciate your kind patience
IG Comment Likes (Read Instructions)
171 IG Comment Likes 150.00 20 2ย 000
Why do I need comment likes?
The concept is to be commenting on someone's post, so when that comment have the most amount of likes, people bother to check out your account and posts ๐Ÿ‘

Instructions: (See Screenshot)

Click the time link from your comment
After clicking the time link, the browser will direct you to a specific timestamp of the comment.

Copy the URL from the address bar to share or save it as needed.
(Example :

Try a small amount first before purchasing a huge order.
Automatic Instagram Services
75 Auto Likes [Server 3] ( Insert Username Without @ - Do not insert URL / Links ) 7.50 250 5ย 000
Youtube Services
159 Private Server - CLV 2 15.00 100 1ย 500
19 Views (Cafes) 10.50 1ย 000 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are just basic views BUT it still adds on the algorithm tracker to gauge your engagement.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
33 Views (Gyms) 11.00 10ย 000 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are just basic views BUT it still adds on the algorithm tracker to gauge your engagement.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
20 Views (Cafes and Gyms) 12.00 100 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
High Retention Views, so please give it sometime to process as there is a huge demand for such quality.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
91 Views (Bars and Night Gyms) 13.00 500 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are privately arranged views, please check with Zachdev first before ordering.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
25 Views (Singapore) 14.99 500 8ย 888
Developer Notes :
These are from our IPad Systems purely in Singapore

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
27 Views (Taiwan) 13.95 500 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are from our IPad Systems purely in Taiwan

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
31 Views (France) 14.95 500 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are from our IPad Systems purely in France

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
29 Views (Ads Popup Based) 12.95 10ย 000 10ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are from our IPad Systems purely in Mexico

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
90 Likes 9.99 10 5ย 000
76 Social Shares (Facebook) 9.99 100 8ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are real shares via the IPad booths, basically they will login to the particular platform and share your video link on that platform.
It helps alot in your video ranking as well and keyword maturity that binds to your channel name.
YouTube Analytics Reports will be updated in 48-72h with your Shares Results

NOTE** Speed 300+ Shares per day

Link Format: Full Video URL

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
77 Social Shares (Linkedin) 9.99 100 8ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are real shares via the IPad booths, basically they will login to the particular platform and share your video link on that platform.
It helps alot in your video ranking as well and keyword maturity that binds to your channel name.
YouTube Analytics Reports will be updated in 48-72h with your Shares Results

NOTE** Speed 300+ Shares per day

Link Format: Full Video URL

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
78 Social Shares (Reddit) 9.99 100 8ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are real shares via the IPad booths, basically they will login to the particular platform and share your video link on that platform.
It helps alot in your video ranking as well and keyword maturity that binds to your channel name.
YouTube Analytics Reports will be updated in 48-72h with your Shares Results

NOTE** Speed 300+ Shares per day

Link Format: Full Video URL

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
79 Social Shares (Twitter) 9.99 100 8ย 000
Developer Notes :
These are real shares via the IPad booths, basically they will login to the particular platform and share your video link on that platform.
It helps alot in your video ranking as well and keyword maturity that binds to your channel name.
YouTube Analytics Reports will be updated in 48-72h with your Shares Results

NOTE** Speed 300+ Shares per day

Link Format: Full Video URL

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
YouTube Shorts
149 Shorts Views 15.00 100 15ย 000
150 Short Likes 12.00 100 8ย 888
Web Traffic Services (SEO)
41 UK Traffic ( From Google ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Google ( United Kingdom )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
42 UK Traffic ( From Youtube ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Youtube ( United Kingdom )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
43 UK Traffic ( From Facebook ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Facebook ( United Kingdom )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
44 UK Traffic ( From Instagram ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Instagram ( United Kingdom )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
45 UK Traffic ( From ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( United Kingdom )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
64 UK Traffic ( From ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( United Kingdom )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
63 UK Traffic ( From Reddit ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Reddit ( United Kingdom )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
46 USA Traffic ( From Google ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Google ( United States Of America )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
47 USA Traffic ( From Youtube ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Youtube ( United States Of America )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
54 USA Traffic ( From Facebook ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Facebook ( United States Of America )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
48 USA Traffic ( From Instagram ) 10.00 88 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Instagram ( United States Of America )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understand the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
49 USA Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( United States Of America )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
51 Singapore Traffic ( From Google ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Google ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
61 Singapore Traffic ( From Reddit ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Reddit ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
52 Singapore Traffic ( From Youtube ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Youtube ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
53 Singapore Traffic ( From Facebook ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Facebook ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
55 Singapore Traffic ( From Instagram ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Instagram ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
56 Singapore Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
59 Singapore Traffic ( From LinkedIn ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from LinkedIn ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
60 Singapore Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
62 Singapore Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( Singapore )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
65 China Traffic ( From Google ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Google ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
66 China Traffic ( From Baidu ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Baidu ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
67 China Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
68 China Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
69 China Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
70 China Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
71 China Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
72 China Traffic ( From ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
73 China Traffic ( From Youtube ) 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from Youtube ( China )

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
84 Indonesia Traffic (From 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from (Indonesia)

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
85 Indonesia Traffic (From 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from (Indonesia)

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
86 Indonesia Traffic (From 10.00 500 15ย 000
Developer Notes : These are traffic from (Indonesia)

Real targeted traffic is important for your SEO growth in general.

1) The Keyword Ranking Improvement
2) The Targeted traffic gives you a higher ROI
3) The Targeted traffic allows the algorithm tracker to understanad the quality of traffic you are receiving vs the quantity of traffic you are receiving.

You are highly recommended to use Link.
Simply sign up at for an account.
Track your traffic from it is much more user-friendly and has a better breakdown of traffic sources.

** Accepts only 1 (URL) / (LINK) every 12 - 24 Hours **
Do not order again unless the status of your order is Completed *

How to check your status?
Visit this section :

[ For More Information ] - Read Below

1) Orders take up to 3 โ€“ 24hours due to huge amount of request.

2) Due to the constant updates by the Platform (Instagram / YouTube / Google)
DROPS are inevitable. It happens and there is no refund at all.

3) By placing the order, you have agreed to the terms above that there is no Refills and Refunds at all. will follow up on the orders for you in terms of checking with the relevant IPad Systems that are processing your orders.

Read more via :
172 IG LIKES - CHEN 12.00 10 10ย 000
165 ADAM-Tiktok Custom Comments 1800.00 10 250
166 ADAM - Tiktok Random Comments (PREMIUM) 2000.00 10 250
167 TONY- IG Custom Comments 2000.00 10 250
169 IG Comment Likes 150.00 20 2ย 000
Steps: (See Screenshot)

Click the time link from your comment
After clicking the time link, the browser will direct you to a specific timestamp of the comment.

Copy the URL from the address bar to share or save it as needed.
(Example :
180 TT V 0.04 100 100ย 000ย 000
181 IG V 0.01 100 100ย 000ย 000
182 IG L 0.04 10 500ย 000
183 IG US L 1.88 10 10ย 000